Decreasing and Coping with Jet Lag

Jet lag is a familiar condition to those who travel often, especially those who travel frequently across different time zones, from east to west. Sufferers from this condition may experiencing insomnia and fatigue as a result of a disruption in their biological clocks. It most commonly occurs when a person travels through more than two or three time zones. Jet lag can be frustrating, you’d like to enjoy your vacation, but you’re so tired, all you’d like to do is sleep! Even worse is adjusting on the way home. It’s hard to go back to work when you’ve got insomnia or just want to sleep all the time!

Decreasing Your Risk of Jet Lag

To prepare yourself for jet lag, begin by taking note of what time it is in the region you are planning to travel to during different parts of your normal day. For example, if you are going somewhere where it is day time during your evening at home, try exposing yourself to indoor lighting which mimics daytime light. Pair this activity with exercise to train your body into staying awake. Before and after your travel, decrease your exposure to alcohol and caffeine; both of these are known to contribute to sleeping difficulties.

Coping with Jet Lag

Staying hydrated is one of the most important ways to combat the symptoms of jet lag. Bring a bottle of water with you wherever you go and keep it full during the day. Use lamps that mimic natural light and exercise during the day. Try relaxing baths and aromatherapy to fall asleep at night in order to avoid insomnia.

Travel opens our hearts and minds to the love of other cultures and peoples. Jet lag shouldn’t stop you from enjoying this beautiful part of the human experience. If you’re concerned that you’re not recuperating from your travel, consider visiting your health care provider. It may be that you need medication to help you adjust back to your time zone or that another health condition is getting in the way.