Screen Electronics in the Bedroom

Screened Electronics have grown to become of the cornerstones of the modern age. You keep in contact with your children through text messages on your touch screen phone; you get that last dose of the daily news at eleven P.M. just before heading to bed, and send out one more work-related email from your tablet before clicking off your bedside lamp. Approximately 95% of adultsuse some sort of screened technology before bed at least three nights of the week. This continuous connection to the world gives you more control over how you interact with others as well as how we take in our daily information, but is there a downside?

Trouble Sleeping Among Adults is on the Rise

Epidemiologists, or those responsible for studying patterns of health conditions, say that chronic and secondary insomnia in adults is on the rise and is predicted to continue rising by 0.71% annually. A mountain of evidence is coming to light and showing that considerable use of these screened electronics is keeping people awake at night and contributing to the growing population of adults suffering from insomnia. This loss of sleep increases the risk of developing depression, an increase in overall stress levels, and even cardiovascular problems.

How Screens Impact Our Sleep

The stream of data taken in just before bed affects you negatively by keeping your brain focused on information processing, even when you think you’re just “decompressing.” Unnatural light created by screened devices may be the most damaging aspect of nighttime screen use. Normally, when the sun rises in the morning, the light hits the photoreceptors in the retinas signaling the brain to become alert and begin your days. When you introduce manufactured light in the evening, you confuse the natural circadian rhythm generally maintained by the rising and setting of the sun. Light hitting your eyes at night tells your brain to become active and prevents you from falling asleep. This disruption to your rest overtime can lead to long-term sleep problems, including insomnia. When technology is such an important part of our lives, how do you ensure that it does not prevent you from getting the sleep needed at night?

Plan Screen Free Time Each Evening

Disconnect from screened devices at least thirty minutes before bedtime. Decide what necessary screen-related tasks must be completed each evening, such as checking in with work or sending an important text, and try to perform them as early in the evening as possible. Find a place outside of your bedroom to charge your phone at night so that you won’t be disrupted by emails or messages while you sleep. If this is impossible, set up a white-list or “do not disturb” application on your smart-phone that only allows your emergency contacts to get in touch of you at night. If you decide to move your phone, use a real alarm clock to wake you up in the morning.

If Sleep Problems Persist

If you’re still have difficulty sleeping, consider seeing your primary health care provider. If you are experiencing frequent waking, dry mouth, or snoring, you may have sleep apnea, a serious condition that can lead to long term health problems. If you’re diagnosed with this condition, choose a quality Continuous Positive Airway Pressure system from a reliable CPAP supply company like Their team of health care professionals and sales representatives are experienced in matching customers with the CPAP mask and system to treat their sleep apnea.